At Musediscus, we are committed to offering high-quality discus fish with a focus on both their beauty and health. We import discus from Asia and also breed them ourselves, ensuring that each fish is vibrant and well-adjusted.

We strive to raise each fish with care and attention, and our goal is to provide you with fish that are ready to thrive in their new homes. We’re here to offer guidance and support to help you create the best environment for your discus, whether in a planted or non-planted tank.

We take pride in our work and are dedicated to helping you and your discus succeed. Your satisfaction and the well-being of your fish are our top priorities.


Discus fish, often known as the “kings of the aquarium,” require a delicate balance of care. From maintaining consistent water parameters (soft, slightly acidic water with a pH around 6.5-7) to ensuring a varied and high-protein diet, keeping discus healthy demands expertise and dedication. They thrive in well-planted aquariums with stable temperatures between 82-86°F, and they need pristine water conditions, requiring regular water changes. While discus are typically kept in planted tanks, they can also thrive in bare-bottom tanks, which make cleaning easier and help maintain optimal water quality.

Discus are omnivores with a preference for high-protein foods. They thrive on a diet that includes high-quality pellets, frozen or live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. Additionally, beef heart is a popular and nutritious option that provides essential proteins and nutrients. They can also benefit from occasional feedings of finely chopped vegetables or high-quality flakes. Understanding their social behavior is also key, as discus are schooling fish that prefer to be kept in groups, yet they establish a pecking order that can influence their overall well-being. This blend of environmental care, dietary attention, and social dynamics is what makes raising discus both challenging and rewarding for experienced aquarists.

In a planted tank, regular water changes are still important for maintaining optimal water quality, even though plants can help absorb some nutrients and stabilize the environment. Regular water changes help remove excess nutrients, prevent the buildup of harmful substances, and ensure that the water conditions remain stable for the health of both the fish and the plants.

While plants can reduce the frequency of water changes compared to a tank without plants, it’s essential to monitor water parameters closely and perform changes as needed to keep the tank in balance. Typically, water changes in a planted tank might be done weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the tank’s bioload and plant density.

a planted tank can offer a more natural and potentially less stressful environment for discus, with the added benefit of natural filtration. However, it requires more maintenance and careful balance. A non-planted tank is simpler to manage but may require more frequent water changes and additional measures to ensure a stable and healthy environment for your discus.